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Toutes les traductions - dani8888

Langue de départ
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Resultats 1 - 6 sur un total d'environ 6
Langue de départ
Anglais On the political level
On the political level there were also certain benefits to be explored.

Langue de départ
Anglais investors and exporters
cross-border investors in and exporters of sophisticated manufactured goods and the trade unions that worked in these sectors – both of which are powerful economic interests in Germany – gained considerably from fixed exchange rates with their main export or investment markets and therefore strove to persuade the German government to support a broader membership of EMU

Langue de départ
Anglais The French also put forward the provision that...
The French also put forward the provision that the Economic Money Union should be made irreversible

Langue de départ
Bulgare Тематичните пътувания с цел посещение на винарски...
Тематичните пътувания с цел посещение на винарски райони и дегустации на вина или накратко винени турове набират скорост и набират все повече и повече туристи. Туристите които посещават даден район идват не само за да си купят бутилка вино, а за да вкусят от характерността на района, типичната за него храна, начина на живот, природните и културните забележителности. Важна част са местата за настаняване, ресторантите, гостоприемството на персонала и местните жители.

Traductions terminées
Français Les voyages thématiques ayant pour but la visite de ...
Anglais Theme trips for visiting wine regions
Langue de départ
Anglais West European Integration
To What Extent Did the Cold War Drive the Origins and Development of West European Integration